Photographer Biography :

Joanna Kustra

Joanna Kustra

Joanna Kustra was born in February 1984 in south-eastern Poland and she is famous for fashion, beauty, portrait and kids photography and won many awards for her amazing photography. When she was at the age of 22, she started the photography as her hobby but soon it developed into a passion and her life. She developed the skills set of photography by herself. She is London based photographer and well known for her perfectionism for capturing human expressions and fashion specifications.
In early age, she develop[ed her artistic platform with the help of music, oboe and piano, later she fall in love with photography. In her young age she worked with for famous company and magazine and now she is in Krakow and London.

* Born in : 1984 February in Poland.

* Working Place : Krakow & London.

* Specialization : Fashion, Kids & Portrait Photography.

* Awards : PDN The Look Awards, Duggal Visual Photo Contest & Digital photographer of the year 2010 etc.

Photograph :

Joanna Kustra Fashion Photography

Joanna Kustra Fashion Photography

Beautiful Photography of Joanna Kustra

Beautiful Fashion Photos by Joanna Kustra

Beauty Photography by Joanna Kustra

Beauty Photography by Joanna Kustra

Close up photography by Joanna Kustra

Close up photography by Joanna Kustra

Joanna Kustra Photography

Joanna Kustra Photography